CS201 - Introduction To Programming Solution GDB 2022

This is CS201 GDB No 1 Solution 2022CS201 Solution GDB 2022 l CS201 GDB Solution 2022. We are sharing with you here Virtual University GDB Solutions l CS201 – Introduction To Programming GDB Solution 2022. GDB Submission last date is 24 February 2022.

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Recommend you to Read:

              Howto Submit GDB Complete Guideline


XYZ is a business company which sells playing items for kids like toys, (Subscribe our YouTube Channel V-Expert Services) pretended kitchen set, lounge set, baby-sitting training seats, swings etc. Company keeps the privacy of (raiseforsuccess.blogspot.com) customers information that it gets from registration or order page and do not disclose it to any third party or any other customer.

As a C++ programmer, what would yu recommend the company about (raiseforsuccess.blogspot.com) using “Structure” or “Class” at the backend of the application to keep their (Follow us on Twitter) customer’s Record confidential?
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After reading the above scenario, I suggest as a C++ Programmer I (Raise For Success) recommend the company to use “Class” at the backend of the application to keep their customer’s record confidential. There are (raiseforsuccess.blogspot.com) following reasons that are as follows:

  • Class is used for bigger applications & OOP (Object Oriented Programming) (Raise For Success) main function is to data hiding.
  • A class is secure (Follow us on Twitter) and hide implementations (Raise For Success) of programming and designing while the structure is not secure and cannot hide implementation details.
  • The member of a (Raise For Success) class is private by default (Subscribe our YouTube Channel V-Expert Services) where as in structure member of a structure are public by default.
  • Variable in a structure (raiseforsuccess.blogspot.com) cannot be initialized during the declaration, but in class it can be done.

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