MGMT611 - Human Relations Solution GDB Fall 2021

Students Here on website we are providing you Virtual University Graded Discussion Board. Here I am providing you GDB Solution of MGMT611 – Human Relations. Last Date of GDB is 7 – December – 2021. There are some requirements of GDB that are as follows:


First Argument: 
Well believe it or not, your bad attitude could be the culprit for why you’re feeling so icky. In fact, research shows that having a (Raise For Success) positive, optimistic outlook on life improves your health, relationships, and self-confidence, all of which lower your stress levels and increase happiness.
Second Argument:
When your brain is constantly filled with “cant’s” you immediately set limits on your limitless potential! That’s because when you tell yourself you can’t, your brain begins to believe that’s ( the truth, before you even try! It’s like setting yourself up for failure. But when you tell yourself you can, or that you’ll do your best to succeed, you give yourself a fair shot at accomplishing anything, which would reduce anybody’s stress.
Third Argument:
When you’re stressed out and have a bad attitude on top of that stress, you can perceive even the simplest tasks as tedious and impossible to do, which can spike your stress level until it’s off the charts. But if you change your attitude (Raise For Success) and practice positive self-talk (how you talk to yourself inside your mind) and positive thinking, you can approach tedious and stressful situations in a more productive and healthy way.

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