MGMT614 - Supply Chain Management Current Solved Final Term Paper 2021

Dear students, Here you can read MGMT614 – Supply Chain Management Current Solved Final Term Paper 2021. Previously we have shared Mid-Term Solved Grand Quiz for your better help and understanding. You can also see the Solved paper of MGT101 – Financial Accounting-I Current Solved Final Term Solved Paper 2021. Subscribe our YouTube Channel for future updates.

Question No 1:

The cost of a long-term (Raise For Success) lease for a facility is ______ as compared to input market rates.

  • Very Low
  • Lower
  • Higher
  • Too High

Question No 2:

Holt Model of (Raise For Success) forecasting is used to when there are:

  • No trends or seasonality
  • No trends but seasonality
  • Trends but no seasonality
  • Trends and seasonality

Question No 3:

Which of the following (Raise For Success) is not based on forecasting?

  • Scheduling
  • Inventory
  • Sales
  • Hiring

Question No 4:

Typically the aggregate (Raise For Success) planning time horizon is:

  • 1 – 3 months
  • 3 – 18 months
  • 18 – 36 months
  • At least 3 years

Question No 5:
Which of the following is/are inappropriate to use in Linear (Raise For Success) Programming for aggregate planning?
  • Decision variables
  • Objective function
  • Constraints
  • Beginning Inventory
Question No 6:
All of the following approaches can be used to manage capacity to (Raise For Success) meet predictable variability of demand except:
  • Time flexibility for workforce
  • Use of seasonal Workforce
  • Use of sub-contracting
  • Use of single facility

Question No 7:

Carrying low levels of (Raise For Success) inventory requires _____ to vary with seasonal variation in demand to meet the demand.

  • Sales
  • Supplies
  • Capacity
  • Profit

Question No 8:

To impressive (Raise For Success) information accuracy all of the following are helpful except:

Sharing point of same data and inventory information.

Collaborating forecasting and planning.

Multi-stage control of

Question No 9:

Trust in the supply (Raise For Success) chain could be improved by all of the following except:
  • Information sharing
  • Discrete information Correct
  • Operational improvements
  • Stabilization of prices
Question No 10:
Which of the following is (Raise For Success) an appropriate cycle time in supply chain?
  • Inventory replenishment cycle time
  • Manufacturing cycle time
  • Sale to cash cycle time Correct
  • Order fulfillment cycle time
Question No 11:
What happens to the supply chain profit if each stage of the supply chain (Raise For Success) makes its pricing decisions independently _____ with the object of maximizing its own profit?
  • Supply chain profit increases
  • Supply chain profit decreases
  • Supply chain profit remains the same
  • Supply chain profit is independent of such decisions

Question No 12:
Random components (Raise For Success) of demand uncertainly is usually estimated by:
  • Standard deviation of demand
  • Probability of demand
  • Average demand
  • Forecasting demand
Question No 13:

The cumulative normal distribution function its denoted by F () and is the (Raise For Success) probability that a normally distributed random variable takes on a value less than or equal to:

  • a
  • m
  • o
  • All of the given options

Question No 14:

The expected total quantity ordered during the season with two orders is _____ that (Raise For Success) of with a single order for the same cycle service level:

  • Greater than Correct
  • Less than
  • Equal to
  • Independent of

Question No 15:

In product based (Raise For Success) tailored sourcing low volume products with uncertain demand are obtained from:

  • A flexible source
  • An efficient source Correct
  • An uncertain source
  • Multiple sources

Question No 16:

Which of the following (Raise For Success) is not a mode of transportation?

  • Water Correct
  • Rail
  • Truck
  • None of the above options

Question No 17:
Which of the following (Raise For Success) network structures has the least inventory requirement?
  • Direct shipping Correct
  • Tailored Network
  • Central DC with Cross Dock
  • Shipping via DC using milk Runs
Question No 18:
Which of the following factors should be considered when the making (Raise For Success) sourcing decisions?
  • Replenishment lead time
  • One-time performance
  • Inbound transportation cost
  • All of the given options Correct
Question No 19:
In product categorization (Raise For Success) for supply chain “Bulk Purchase Items” are _____ critical and ____ value.
  • Low, low
  • Low, high Correct
  • High, Low
  • High, High

Question No 20:
Which of the (Raise For Success) following is not a type of auctions?
  • American auctions Correct
  • English auctions
  • Dutch auctions
  • Vickery auctions
Question No 21:
The following conditions (Raise For Success) the revenue management has a greater impact on the supply chain profitability except:
  • The value of the product varies in different market segments Correct
  • The product is not perishable
  • Demand has seasonal peaks
  • The product is sold both in bulk and the spot market
Question No 22:
Revenue management is the use of ________ to increase the profit generated (Raise For Success) from a finished of supply chain assets.
  • Cost Correct
  • Revenue
  • Pricing
  • Demand
Question No 23:
The basic trade-off (Raise For Success) consider during overbooking of perishable assets is between.
  • Under capacity and over supply Correct
  • Inventory waste and inventory shortage
  • Over production and inventory waste
  • All of the given options

Question No 24:
Shifting demand from (Raise For Success) peak to off peak season is done by:
  • Increasing demand
  • Dropping production
  • Discounting
  • All of the given Correct

Question No 25:

Which of the following (Raise For Success) is not the an emerging trend in IT

Question No 26:

Which of the (Raise For Success) following is not true for IT formulation technological in the supply chain?

  • IT system must address the company key success factors
  • To implement IT, take incremental steps
  • Align the level of sophistication with the need for sophistication Correct
  • Let IT systems to rule decisions

Question No 27:

Which of the following (Raise For Success) is included in matrices for

  • Energy consumption
  • Greenhouse gas
  • Waste generations
  • All of the above options Correct

Question No 28:

Which of the following (Raise For Success) are the factors that drive focus on sustainability except:

  • To increase the risk in supply chain
  • To improve the financial performance of supply chain
  • To attracts the customer who value the sustainability
  • To make the world more sustainable

Question No 29:

What are perishable assets? How pricing and revenue management is (Raise For Success) done for perishable assets?

Question No 30:

Which auction (Raise For Success) management must takes the leverage Supply Chain Profitability?


Inventory management must take the leverage Supply Chain Profitability. (Raise For Success) Let’s say you have just two hours’ worth of stock sitting in a car factory, with the aim of keeping the costs of storage low.

  • Supplier Cash Control
  • Operating Expenses Control
  • Customer Cash Control

Question No 31:

Explain what is car inventory? Find the cycle inventory for a product at (Raise For Success) retail store whose demand per period is 100 units and supplied in batches of size 140?


Cycle inventory or Cycle stock inventory is the portion of inventory that a seller cycles through to fulfill regular sales orders. It (Raise For Success) represents a part of a business standing inventory. Cycle inventory is used and replaced by new items, or turned over. For instance, in a retail setting, the store should include items in the storeroom and on its shelves at brick and mortar locations.




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