CS610 - Computer Network Solution Assignment No 1 Spring 2021


Question No. 1:

Using a proper probing tool on Command Line Interface (CLI) in your computer/laptop, obtain the route information of www.vu.edu.pk up to 3 hops. Take the complete screenshot containing the related command and the result. Paste the screenshot as your solution in MS Word file.

Question No. 2:

Suppose in a shared network of five computers, a 15 MB file is transferred by a computer without breaking down into packets across the network with 56Kpbs capacity. You are required to calculate the time in minutes that it will take to transfer this file.

Note: You need to write all necessary formula(s) and calculation steps to give your answer.

Now, if the same file is broken into 2000 bytes packets, then you are required to calculate the time in seconds that other computers must wait before beginning of data transfer.

Note: You need to write all necessary formula(s) and calculation steps to give your answer.

pointing hand for click

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