You need to develop a software application for an academic institute that provides online distance learning and follows the annual admission system. Where a huge (URL: number of students are enrolled manually. The abundance of routine academic activities is carried out frequently. The thresh hold of routine activities remain very high throughout the year. The processing of the academic activities needs to be managed efficiently. So, by keeping in the view the whole system, the application must be capable to carry out all these activities in an optimized / efficient way. The purpose is to make manipulations with data like insertion, deletion and search smooth. (URL: You can design this application by using AVL tree and binary search tree data structures only.
From AVL and Binary Search Data structures which data structure you will choose for performing these operations as desired? Select a data structure and support your suggested answer to justify it and mention the reason why you are going to drop the other data structure?
After doing research AVL Tree data structure is best for
performing these (URL: operations. There are some reasons that are as follows:
- Searching is efficient in AVL Tree even when there are large number of nodes in the tree because the height is balanced.
- In AVL Tree we can (URL: rebalance data but in this binary search tree it is not exist.
- Every AVL Tree is a binary search tree because the AVL Tree follows the property of binary search tree. But every binary search tree is not AVL Tree.
- Addition and Deletion method in AVL Tree we can rebalanced it (URL: easily. But in binary search tree it is not possible.
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