PSY101-Introduction To Psychology Assignment No 1 Solution Fall 2020


Ali was angry, she missed her college bus, go late also forget her teacher advised and scolded her. When she came back home, she hit the wall and chair, shouted on her mom and smack her younger brother.
Altamash failed in his exams because he did not study. He told his family that he failed because his teacher did not like him and could not teach him well.
Zarnish comes to a counselor as she is having suicide ideation and severe depression. During the session, counselor notices that she began to refer herself by a 7 years old girl name, uses a language and voice of a little girl and act like a child.

Zeeshan do not like his wife and spend a lot of time away from home with his girlfriends. When he comes, he brings a lot of gifts for his wife and praise her. Incomplete given reason of this dsparity.

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Carl Rogers believed that a person's conflicts can be resolved if he receives unconditional positive regard from another person. Do you agree with the notion or not? Give logical arguments to support your answer?



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